Mobile Outreach
Our mobile outreach serve hard-to-reach and underserved parts of the country.

Providing mobile outreach services across Papua New Guinea.
Our outreach teams have built a reputation across Papua New Guinea for providing quality services to those in hard to reach and rural locations.
Our focus is in the area of long acting permanent methods (LAPM) provision, complimenting access to short-term contraception methods with information and education of alternative family planning methods that may suit our clients better.
Our outreach teams
Ensuring access to our clinical services in hard to reach and rural areas across Papua New Guinea.
Our outreach teams are comprised of both experienced clinical and health promotion staff. Team members consist of individuals from the local communities in which we work, ensuring we always have people on hand who speak local languages and have good working relationships with government partners.

Sophie’s Story
Sophie first heard about Marie Stopes in 2017 from her sisters who had received implants from the Marie Stopes Goroka clinic.
“It’s hard to pay for school fees and it’s difficult to provide food for the children. I’m always stressed about it. My husband is very supportive. He tried to bring in an income but he’s also illiterate. He gardens and hawks things.”
Sophie had complications with her last birth so had come for an implant. She also wanted advice. She wanted family planning as she has many children and they were not well spaced. Her youngest are 3 years, 2 years and 5 months.
After her first three children, she used the oral contraceptive pill and injections, but found it difficult to regularly travel to the hospital for follow up treatment. She tried the rhythm method but it didn’t work after a while.
She’s pleased that Marie Stopes came to her village, and provided a medical check-up before giving her an implant.

“I’m happy because Marie Stopes makes things clear. They have blown away a cloud. People used to think that Marie Stopes was there to stop you having children. Now I know Marie Stopes is here to help us space the children and for our health and family’s well-being too. They cleared up my misconceptions. For example, I thought that injections and implants dried up the womb. Marie Stopes explained everything clearly.”
Other ways to access our services

Our clinics
We currently operate Clinics in Lae and Port Moresby. These centres provide quality, voluntary family planning services and a full range of other sexual reproductive health services.

Health worker training
Our team works to build the capacity of local healthcare providers through extensive clinical supervision and mentoring.

Post natal wards
Supporting women to take up take up contraceptive services immediately after their delivery, if they wish to space their children.