Our client-centred approach
Putting clients at the heart of everything we do.

An unwavering commitment to our clients.
Our rights-based approach ensures that women have access to high-quality services to support their choices.
To help our clients make informed decisions, we provide sexual and reproductive health education, contraceptive services and where legal, safe and comprehensive abortion services free from judgement, stigma and discrimination. With clients at the centre of everything we do, we ensure no woman is turned away or denied access when they present to our services.

Clinical & product quality
Our clinical standards are led by our quality assurance teams and continuously monitored by our parent organisation, Marie Stopes International.
We ensure all clinical providers promote choice through group education and individual counselling. We carry out on-the-job training, mentoring and assessment against global standards and are supported by annual visits from our international quality assurance team. This results in continuous monitoring and improvement of the quality of our clinical services to better service our clients.
We work to provide the largest range of contraceptive options possible, and guarantee their quality through end-to-end supply chain management which includes batch-testing and factory inspection.
We promote access to comprehensive reproductive health services.
Our teams work tirelessly with all levels of government and communities to expand access to contraception and sexual reproductive health. We do everything we can to promote rights-based health policies for people in Papua New Guinea and are aligned with the Government of Papua New Guinea’s National Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy (2013) and National Family Planning Policy (2014).
Advocacy has never been more important for our mission. As part of our governing 2020 strategy, Scaling-up Excellence, we recognise that providing services alone will not secure universal access to quality services, and that to catalyse real change we need to transform the environments in which we operate.

Learn more about our services
Find out more about the services we offer and their availability across Papa New Guinea.